Today I am going to talk to you about a historic event for Menorca that we have all been able to enjoy over the years. On the 8th October 1993, as a result of a philosophy of life and respect for the land that has seen us born and welcomed us, MENORCA was declared a BIOSPHERE RESERVE by UNESCO. 

This came about thanks to the symbiosis achieved between the development of the economic activities carried out on the island territory, the consumption of its resources, the conservation of its heritage and a landscape that over the years has maintained, maintains and will continue to maintain an exceptional quality. Menorca is a territory with a very rich rural landscape and a long tradition, which the Menorcans themselves hold in great esteem and respect. It is home to a remarkable variety of Mediterranean habitats, in which live native species of animals and plants, some of them, unfortunately, in danger of extinction.

Throughout the world, there are more than 400 biosphere reserves, where the concept of sustainable development is continually being experimented with, seeking a balance between the development of human activity on the territory, making it compatible with the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. Menorca forms part of the Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves and maintains contacts with other biosphere reserves that are part of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programme (MaB Programme). 


The Consell Insular de Menorca is institutionally responsible for the Biosphere Reserve and its efforts are aimed at achieving this sustainable balance between man and nature, which makes it possible for future generations of residents and visitors to continue enjoying the natural resources and the beauty of the landscapes of this marvellous island. For this reason the Consell is permanently alert with determination and firmness to maintain in the long term this quality of life and the environmental values that we enjoy both residents and visitors and that have allowed us to maintain this declaration of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. 


As a Biosphere Reserve, these are the challenges for the future of Menorca:


1.- To help to favour the conservation of agricultural and livestock farming activities that maintain the traditional landscape and avoid activities that could degrade it. For this reason, Menorca has an Island Territorial Plan (PTI), which orders and regulates the territory, trying to maintain this difficult sustainability and balancing urban growth.


2.- To reinforce the conservation of its natural ecosystems and native flora and fauna, especially if they are threatened by external agents. To achieve this objective, campaigns are launched to eradicate invasive flora and especially protect endangered species and habitats that are more delicate and unique.


3.- To continue to deepen our knowledge of natural and cultural wealth. To this end, research is being carried out on the island's natural and archaeological heritage.


4.- To define sustainability strategies on a local scale. To this end, each municipality on the island has its own Local Agenda 21 and its own Environmental Action Plan. 


5.- To ensure good environmental management of the coastline and beaches, which are the basis of the tourist industry, by protecting the dune and marine ecosystems. To do this, priority is given to manual cleaning and the occupation of beaches is regulated. In many of them we can see how the dunes are delimited.


Minimise the environmental impact of the different human activities. To this end, all waste is separated and properly treated: organic matter, paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, cans, oils, remains of technological materials...


7.- A priority objective is to become an open-air sustainability laboratory. To this end, the Socio-environmental Observatory of Menorca (OBSAM) has been created, which continuously collects and analyses the most relevant information about the Biosphere Reserve.


With the collaboration of Menorcan society, some NGOs and some of the island's companies, Menorca has implemented different development strategies to make the most of its natural wealth while preserving it. To continue turning challenges into realities. As I have already mentioned in some previous blogs, we need all of you, and also the support of you, the visitors, because together we can make a reality possible, that the economic development of this island is respectful with the environment.


The simple gesture of not leaving rubbish on a beach, not throwing anything into the sea... that it simply looks like we have not been there, returning the remains of what we have taken to eat and throwing them into the corresponding container (glass, paper, plastic, cans, even organic...), will make this a reality that all of us and future generations will enjoy.


At Ca s'Arader we are very proud to belong to a BIOSPHERE RESERVE, if you decide to come to Menorca, contact us at or, it will be a pleasure to show you this wonderful island!


We do not have a MENORCA B available, this is the only one we have, let's take care of it by enjoying it! 


Thank you very much to all of you for your collaboration!


Ca s’Arader is named after Menorca’s artisan carpenters that used the wood from the indigenous wild olive tree to make all kinds of farming tools. In the olden days it was an essential role for the islands economy that was passed on from fathers to sons. Today, the few artisan carpenters or araders that are left, mostly make gates, tables, benches or stalls amongst other items.